local IsSynapse = is_synapse_function and is_synapse_function((function() end)) local required_funcs = { isfile = isfile, readfile = readfile, writefile = writefile, } for I, required in next, required_funcs do if type(required) ~= 'function' then error(I .. ' is not a function, this script requires ' .. I, 2) end end local required_tables = { Drawing = Drawing } for I, required in next, required_tables do if type(required) ~= 'table' then error(I .. ' is not a table, this script requires ' .. I, 2) end end if shared.__UAnEv1__ then shared.__UAnEv1__.STOP() end local httpget = game.HttpGet local function httpload(url) return loadstring(httpget(game, url))() end local function httpassert(url, msg) return assert(httpload(url), msg) end local function DoesDrawingExist(Drawing) if IsSynapse then return type(Drawing) == 'table' and rawget(Drawing, '__OBJECT_EXISTS') else return true end end local function DoesObjectExist(Object) return Object and type(Object) == 'table' and Object.Drawing and DoesDrawingExist(Object.Drawing) end local function waitforchild(Parent, Name) repeat wait() until Parent:FindFirstChild(Name) return Parent[Name] end local getservice = game.GetService local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera local worldtoviewportpoint = Camera.WorldToViewportPoint local UserInputService = getservice(game, 'UserInputService') local RunService = getservice(game, 'RunService') local wait = function(t)if t then return wait(t) end;return RunService.Heartbeat:Wait()end local vector2new = Vector2.new local function Vector3ToVector2(Vector) return vector2new(Vector.X, Vector.Y) end local function JustX(Vector) if typeof(Vector) == 'Vector2' then return Vector2.new(Vector.X, 0) elseif typeof(Vector) == 'Vector3' then return Vector3.new(Vector.X, 0, 0) end end local function JustY(Vector) if typeof(Vector) == 'Vector2' then return Vector2.new(0, Vector.Y) elseif typeof(Vector) == 'Vector3' then return Vector3.new(0, Vector.Y, 0) end end local function JustZ(Vector) return Vector3.new(0, 0, Vector.Z) end local function FlatY(Vector) if typeof(Vector) == 'Vector2' then return Vector2.new(Vector.X, 0) elseif typeof(Vector) == 'Vector3' then return Vector3.new(Vector.X, 0, Vector.Z) end end local function round(number, place) local split = tostring(number):split('.') local first = split[1] local second = split[2] return tonumber(first .. ((second and '.' .. second:sub(1, place)) or '')) end local function getname(Player) if Player and Player.Name and Player.DisplayName then local Name, DisplayName = Player.Name, Player.DisplayName if DisplayName ~= Name then return Name .. ' (@' .. DisplayName .. ')' end return Name end end local table = httpassert('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TechHog8984/TechHub-V3/main/script/misc/custom%20table.lua', 'Failed to get custom table.') local IsPartVisible = httpassert('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TechHog8984/TechHub-V3/main/script/misc/ispartvisible.lua', 'failed to get ispartvisible function') local EventManager = httpassert('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TechHog8984/TechHub-V3/main/script/misc/events.lua', 'failed to get event manager') local PlayerService = getservice(game, 'Players') local LocalPlayer = PlayerService.LocalPlayer local LocalCharacter = nil local Mouse = LocalPlayer:GetMouse() local placeid = game.PlaceId local __UAnEv1__ = { Active = true, Connections = {}, Config = { Aimbot = true, TeamCheck = true, AimbotHoldKey = Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2, AimbotPart = 'Head', Names = true, Distance = true, Boxes = true, Tracers = true, HealthBars = false, Skeleton = true, BaseColor = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), NameColor = nil, DistanceColor = nil, BoxesColor = nil, TracersColor = nil, -- HealthBarsColor = nil, SkeletonColor = nil, BaseRainbow = false, BoxType = 2, }, Games = { Arsenal = placeid == 286090429, BadBusiness = placeid == 3233893879, }, Drawings = {}, Objects = {}, PlayerEspObjects = {}, } local BBPlayersTable, BBCharactersTable, BBTeamsTable; if __UAnEv1__.Games.BadBusiness then httpload('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TechHog8984/misc-scripts/main/Bad%20Business%20Character%20Spoofer.lua'); local Collection = getgc(true); for I,V in next, Collection do if type(V) ~= 'table' then rawset(Collection, I, nil); end; end; for I, Table in next, Collection do if rawget(Table, 'GetCharacter') then BBPlayersTable = Table; break; end; end; for I, Table in next, Collection do if rawget(Table, 'SetTeamColor') then BBTeamsTable = Table; break; end; end; BBCharactersTable = getupvalue(BBPlayersTable.GetCharacter, 1); end; local Configs = httpassert('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TechHog8984/Configclass/main/Class.lua', 'Failed to get config handler') local before = isfile('UAnEv1/main.config') local Config = Configs:Config{path = 'UAnEv1/main.config'} if not before then for I,V in next, __UAnEv1__.Config do Config[I] = V end end __UAnEv1__.Config = Config local drawingnew = Drawing.new local function CreateDrawing(info) if not __UAnEv1__ or not __UAnEv1__.Active then return end local TYPE = info.type or 'Square' info.type = nil local Drawing = drawingnew(TYPE) for I,V in next, info do Drawing[I] = V end table.insert(__UAnEv1__.Drawings, Drawing) return Drawing end local function CreateObject(info) if not __UAnEv1__ or not __UAnEv1__.Active then return end local Object = {} for I, V in next, info do Object[I] = V end function Object:Remove() if Object.Drawing and DoesDrawingExist(Object.Drawing) == true then Object.Drawing:Remove() end Object.Drawing = nil table.remove(__UAnEv1__.Objects, Object) Object = nil end table.insert(__UAnEv1__.Objects, Object) return Object end local EventManager = httpassert('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TechHog8984/TechHub-V3/main/script/misc/events.lua', 'failed to get event manager') local PlayersHandler = {Connections = {}, Players = {}, PlayerAdded = EventManager:CreateEvent('PlayerAdded'), PlayerRemoving = EventManager:CreateEvent('PlayerRemoving')} do local function PlayerAdded(Player) if Player then local Handle = {} Handle.CharacterAdded = EventManager:CreateEvent(Player.Name .. ' - CharacterAdded') Handle.CharacterRemoved = EventManager:CreateEvent(Player.name .. ' - CharacterRemoved') Handle.HumanoidAdded = EventManager:CreateEvent(Player.Name .. ' - HumanoidAdded') Handle.HumanoidRemoved = EventManager:CreateEvent(Player.Name .. ' - HumanoidRemoved') Handle.HumanoidRootPartAdded = EventManager:CreateEvent(Player.Name .. ' - HumanoidRootPartAdded') Handle.HumanoidRootPartRemoved = EventManager:CreateEvent(Player.Name .. ' - HumanoidRootPartRemoved') local function PartRemoved(Part) if Part then local Name = Part.Name or Part if Name == 'Humanoid' then Handle.HumanoidRemoved:Fire() elseif Name == 'HumanoidRootPart' then Handle.HumanoidRootPartRemoved:Fire() end end end local function PartAdded(Part) if Part then local Name = Part.Name or Part if Name == 'Humanoid' then Handle.HumanoidAdded:Fire() elseif Name == 'HumanoidRootPart' then Handle.HumanoidRootPartAdded:Fire() end end end local function CharacterRemoved() PartRemoved('Humanoid') PartRemoved('HumanoidRootPart') if Handle.CharacterRemoved then Handle.CharacterRemoved:Fire() end Handle.Character = nil if Handle.CharacterRemovedConnection then Handle.CharacterRemovedConnection:Disconnect() end if Handle.PartAddedConnection then Handle.PartAddedConnection:Disconnect() end if Handle.PartRemovedConnection then Handle.PartRemovedConnection:Disconnect() end end local function CharacterAdded(Character) if Character then Handle.Character = Character Handle.CharacterAdded:Fire(Character) local PartAddedConnection = Character.ChildAdded:Connect(PartAdded) local PartRemovedConnection = Character.ChildRemoved:Connect(PartRemoved) Handle.PartAddedConnection = PartAddedConnection Handle.PartRemovedConnection = PartRemovedConnection if not __UAnEv1__.Games.BadBusiness then local CharacterRemovedConnection = waitforchild(Character, 'Humanoid').Died:Connect(CharacterRemoved) Handle.CharacterRemovedConnection = CharacterRemovedConnection table.insert(PlayersHandler.Connections, CharacterRemovedConnection) PartAdded(Character:FindFirstChild'Humanoid' or nil) PartAdded(Character:FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart' or nil) end; table.insert(PlayersHandler.Connections, PartAddedConnection) table.insert(PlayersHandler.Connections, PartRemovedConnection) end end function Handle.GetCharacter() if __UAnEv1__.Games.BadBusiness and BBCharactersTable then return BBCharactersTable[Player]; end; return Handle.Character or Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait() end function Handle.GetPart(part) local Character = Handle.GetCharacter(); return (Character and (Character:FindFirstChild(part))); end function Handle.GetParts(...) local parts = {} for I, part in next, ({...}) do parts[I] = Handle.GetPart(part) end return unpack(parts) end function Handle:Stop() Handle.CharacterAdded:DisconnectAll() Handle.CharacterRemoved:DisconnectAll() Handle.HumanoidAdded:DisconnectAll() Handle.HumanoidRemoved:DisconnectAll() Handle.HumanoidRootPartAdded:DisconnectAll() Handle.HumanoidRootPartRemoved:DisconnectAll() end CharacterAdded(Handle.GetCharacter()) local CharacterAddedConnection = Player.CharacterAdded:connect(CharacterAdded) CharacterAddedConnection = CharacterAddedConnection table.insert(PlayersHandler.Connections, CharacterAddedConnection) PlayersHandler.Players[Player] = Handle Handle.Loaded = true PlayersHandler.PlayerAdded:Fire(Player, Handle) end end local function PlayerRemoved(Player) if Player and Player ~= LocalPlayer and PlayersHandler.Players[Player] then local Handle = PlayersHandler.Players[Player] PlayersHandler.PlayerRemoving:Fire(Player, Handle) PlayersHandler.Players[Player] = nil Handle = nil end end for Index, Player in next, PlayerService:GetPlayers() do PlayerAdded(Player) end table.insert(PlayersHandler.Connections, PlayerService.PlayerAdded:Connect(PlayerAdded)) table.insert(PlayersHandler.Connections, PlayerService.PlayerRemoving:Connect(PlayerRemoved)) function PlayersHandler:Stop() for I, Connection in next, PlayersHandler.Connections do if Connection then Connection:Disconnect() end end for Player, Handle in next, PlayersHandler.Players do Handle:Stop() end PlayersHandler.PlayerAdded:DisconnectAll() PlayersHandler.PlayerRemoving:DisconnectAll() end end local Players = PlayersHandler.Players local LocalHandle = nil repeat wait() LocalHandle = Players[LocalPlayer] until LocalPlayer and Players[LocalPlayer] local function gethealth(Player) local Handle = Players[Player] if __UAnEv1__ and __UAnEv1__.Active then if __UAnEv1__.Games.Arsenal and Player:FindFirstChild'NRPBS' then return Player.NRPBS:WaitForChild('Health', math.huge).Value, Player.NRPBS:WaitForChild('MaxHealth', math.huge).Value; end; end if Handle then local Humanoid = Handle.GetPart('Humanoid') if Humanoid then return Humanoid.Health, Humanoid.MaxHealth end end return nil end local function AllowedTeam(Player) if __UAnEv1__ and __UAnEv1__.Active and __UAnEv1__.Config.TeamCheck then if __UAnEv1__.Games.BadBusiness then return not BBTeamsTable:ArePlayersFriendly(Player, LocalPlayer); end; if Player.Team and LocalPlayer.Team then return Player.Team ~= LocalPlayer.Team end end return true end local function GetPlayerFromPart(Part) for Player, Handle in next, Players do if Player and Player ~= LocalPlayer then local Character = Handle.GetCharacter() if Character and Part:IsDescendantOf(Character) then return Player end end end end local function GetClosestPlayerToCursor() --check if the Target property of Mouse is not nil if Mouse.Target then --Mouse.Target is the part that the mouse is hovering over. --So, we get the player from Mouse.Target local Player = GetPlayerFromPart(Mouse.Target) --if it can find the player from Mouse.Target and its team and health are valid, then return the player if Player and AllowedTeam(Player) and (gethealth(LocalPlayer)) > 0 then return Player end end local ClosestPlayer = nil local MaxDist = math.huge --loop through the players for Player, Handle in next, Players do --check if this player exists, is not the localplayer, and its team is allowed local LPHealth = (gethealth(LocalPlayer)); if Player and Player ~= LocalPlayer and AllowedTeam(Player) and LPHealth and LPHealth > 0 then --get the character of the localplayer and its HumanoidRootPart LocalCharacter = LocalHandle.GetCharacter() local LocalHumanoidRootPart = LocalHandle.GetPart('HumanoidRootPart') --check if it exists if LocalHumanoidRootPart then --get the player's character and its HumanoidRootPart local Character = Handle.GetCharacter() local HumanoidRootPart = Handle.GetPart('HumanoidRootPart') --check if it exists and if it is visible if HumanoidRootPart and (gethealth(Player)) > 0 and IsPartVisible(HumanoidRootPart, Character) then --check if there already is a closestplayer if ClosestPlayer then --get the mouse position local MousePos = Vector2.new(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y) --get the screen position and whether or not the humanoidrootpart is on screen local ScreenPos, Onscreen = worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, HumanoidRootPart.Position) --check if it is onscreen (basic visible check) if Onscreen then --get the distance of the player to the cursor local Distance = (MousePos - Vector3ToVector2(ScreenPos)).Magnitude --check if the distance is less than the distance of the current closestplayer if Distance < MaxDist then --if so, then set the max distance to this and then set the closestplayer to this player MaxDist = Distance ClosestPlayer = Player end end else --if there isnt, then set it to this player ClosestPlayer = Player end end end end end --return the closestplayer return ClosestPlayer end local function PlayerAdded(Player, Handle) if not __UAnEv1__ or not __UAnEv1__.Active then return end local NameObject = CreateObject{ Drawing = CreateDrawing{type = 'Text', Color = __UAnEv1__.Config.NameColor or __UAnEv1__.Config.BaseColor, Text = Player.Name, Size = 18, Center = true, Outline = true, OutlineColor = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), Font = Drawing.Fonts.Monospace, } } local TracerObject = CreateObject{ Drawing = CreateDrawing{type = 'Line', Color = __UAnEv1__.Config.TracersColor or __UAnEv1__.Config.BaseColor, Thickness = 3, } } local BoxObject = CreateObject{ Drawing = CreateDrawing{ Color = __UAnEv1__.Config.BoxesColor or __UAnEv1__.Config.BaseColor, Thickness = 3, } } local HealthLineObjectRed = CreateObject{ Drawing = CreateDrawing{type = 'Line', -- Color = __UAnEv1__.Config.HealthBarsColor or __UAnEv1__.Config.BaseColor, Color = Color3.new(1, 0, 0), Thickness = 3, } } local HealthLineObjectGreen = CreateObject{ Drawing = CreateDrawing{type = 'Line', -- Color = __UAnEv1__.Config.HealthBarsColor or __UAnEv1__.Config.BaseColor, Color = Color3.new(0, 1, 0), Thickness = 3, ZIndex = 1, } } local DistanceObject = CreateObject{ Drawing = CreateDrawing{type = 'Text', Color = __UAnEv1__.Config.DistanceColor or __UAnEv1__.Config.BaseColor, Text = '0', Size = 16, Center = true, Outline = true, OutlineColor = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), Font = Drawing.Fonts.Monospace, } } local Skeleton = {} for I, V in next, {'HeadToTorso', 'TorsoToLeftShoulder', 'TorsoToRightShoulder', 'LeftShoulderToLeftUpperArm', 'LeftShoulderToLeftArm', 'RightShoulderToRightUpperArm', 'RightShoulderToRightArm', 'LeftShoulderToLeftLowerArm', 'RightShoulderToRightLowerArm', 'TorsoToLeftHip', 'TorsoToRightHip', 'LeftHipToLeftLeg', 'LeftHipToLeftUpperLeg', 'RightHipToRightUpperLeg', 'RightHipToRightLeg', 'LeftHipToLeftLowerLeg', 'RightHipToRightLowerLeg'} do Skeleton[V] = CreateObject{ Drawing = CreateDrawing{type = 'Line', Color = __UAnEv1__.Config.SkeletonColor or __UAnEv1__.Config.BaseColor, Thickness = 3, } } end function Skeleton:Remove() for I, V in next, Skeleton do if DoesObjectExist(V) then V:Remove() end end Skeleton = nil end local Box2 = {} for I,V in next, {'BL1', 'BL2', 'BL3', 'BL4'} do Box2[V] = CreateObject{ Drawing = CreateDrawing{type = 'Line', Color = __UAnEv1__.Config.BoxesColor or __UAnEv1__.Config.BaseColor, Thickness = 3, } } end function Box2:Remove() for I, V in next, Box2 do if DoesObjectExist(V) then V:Remove() end end Box2 = nil end local Box3 = CreateObject{ Drawing = CreateDrawing{type = 'Quad', Color = __UAnEv1__.Config.BoxesColor or __UAnEv1__.Config.BaseColor, Thickness = 3, } } local Esp = { Name = NameObject, Tracer = TracerObject, Box = BoxObject, HealthLineRed = HealthLineObjectRed, HealthLineGreen = HealthLineObjectGreen, Distance = DistanceObject, Box3 = Box3, Iterables = { Skeleton = Skeleton, Box2 = Box2, } } __UAnEv1__.PlayerEspObjects[Player] = Esp end local function PlayerRemoved(Player, Handle) if not __UAnEv1__ or not __UAnEv1__.Active then return end local EspObjects = __UAnEv1__.PlayerEspObjects[Player] if EspObjects then for I, Object in next, EspObjects do if DoesObjectExist(Object) then Object:Remove() end end if EspObjects.Iterables then for I, Iterable in next, EspObjects.Iterables do for I, Object in next, Iterable do if DoesObjectExist(Object) then Object:Remove() end end end end end table.removebyindex(__UAnEv1__.PlayerEspObjects, Player) end PlayersHandler.PlayerAdded:Connect(PlayerAdded) for Player, Handle in next, Players do PlayerAdded(Player, Handle) end PlayersHandler.PlayerRemoving:Connect(PlayerRemoved) local function IsDown(EnumItem) return (EnumItem.EnumType == Enum.KeyCode and UserInputService:IsKeyDown(EnumItem)) or (EnumItem.EnumType == Enum.UserInputType and UserInputService:IsMouseButtonPressed(EnumItem)) end table.insert(__UAnEv1__.Connections, RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function() if __UAnEv1__ and __UAnEv1__.Active and __UAnEv1__.Config.Aimbot and IsDown(__UAnEv1__.Config.AimbotHoldKey) then LocalCharacter = LocalHandle.GetCharacter() local ClosestPlayer = GetClosestPlayerToCursor() if ClosestPlayer then local ClosestHandle = Players[ClosestPlayer] local ClosestCharacter = ClosestHandle.GetCharacter() local AimPart = ClosestHandle.GetPart(__UAnEv1__.Config.AimbotPart) if AimPart and IsPartVisible(AimPart, ClosestCharacter) then Camera.CFrame = CFrame.new(Camera.CFrame.Position, AimPart.CFrame.Position) end end end end)) table.insert(__UAnEv1__.Connections, RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function() for Player, EspObjects in next, __UAnEv1__.PlayerEspObjects do if type(EspObjects) == 'table' then task.spawn(function() for I,V in next, EspObjects do if DoesObjectExist(V) then V.Visible = false; end; end; for I,V in next, EspObjects.Iterables do for I,V in next, V do if DoesObjectExist(V) then V.Visible = false; end; end; end; end); end; end; if __UAnEv1__ and __UAnEv1__.Active and (__UAnEv1__.Config.Names or __UAnEv1__.Config.Distance or __UAnEv1__.Config.Boxes or __UAnEv1__.Config.Tracers or __UAnEv1__.ConfigHealthBars or __UAnEv1__.Config.Skeleton) then for Player, Handle in next, Players do if Player and LocalPlayer and Player ~= LocalPlayer and __UAnEv1__.PlayerEspObjects[Player] then task.spawn(function() local EspObjects = __UAnEv1__.PlayerEspObjects[Player] local Iterables = EspObjects.Iterables local NameObject = EspObjects.Name local Tracer = EspObjects.Tracer local Box = EspObjects.Box local HealthLineRed = EspObjects.HealthLineRed local HealthLineGreen = EspObjects.HealthLineGreen local DistanceObject = EspObjects.Distance local Box3 = EspObjects.Box3 local Skeleton = Iterables.Skeleton local Box2 = Iterables.Box2 if AllowedTeam(Player) and Handle then local Character = Handle.GetCharacter() local Head, Humanoid, HumanoidRootPart = Handle.GetParts('Head', 'Humanoid', 'HumanoidRootPart') local Health, MaxHealth = gethealth(Player) if Head and Humanoid and Health > 0 and HumanoidRootPart then local HeadPos, HeadOnScreen = worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, Head.Position) local HrpPos, HrpOnScreen = worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, HumanoidRootPart.Position) local HrpCFr = HumanoidRootPart.CFrame local HrpXV = HrpCFr.XVector local HrpYV = HrpCFr.YVector local OnScreen = HeadOnScreen or HrpOnScreen for I,V in next, EspObjects do if DoesObjectExist(V) then V.Drawing.Visible = OnScreen end end if Iterables then for I, Iterable in next, Iterables do for I, Object in next, Iterable do if DoesObjectExist(Object) then Object.Drawing.Visible = OnScreen end end end end if HeadPos and OnScreen then local HeadPos = Vector3ToVector2(HeadPos) if DoesObjectExist(NameObject) then if __UAnEv1__.Config.Names then NameObject.Drawing.Color = __UAnEv1__.Config.NameColor or __UAnEv1__.Config.BaseColor local Health, MaxHealth = gethealth(Player); NameObject.Drawing.Text = getname(Player, Humanoid); NameObject.Drawing.Position = HeadPos - Vector2.new(0, NameObject.Drawing.Size) end end if DoesObjectExist(Tracer) then if __UAnEv1__.Config.Tracers then Tracer.Drawing.Color = __UAnEv1__.Config.TracersColor or __UAnEv1__.Config.BaseColor Tracer.Drawing.From = Vector2.new(Camera.ViewportSize.X / 2, Camera.ViewportSize.Y) Tracer.Drawing.To = HeadPos end end local BoxSize = Vector2.new(Camera.ViewportSize.X / HrpPos.Z, (worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, Head.Position + Vector3.new(0, 0, 0))).Y - (worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, HumanoidRootPart.Position - Vector3.new(0, 3.5, 0))).Y) local BoxPos = Vector2.new(HrpPos.X - BoxSize.X / 2, HrpPos.Y - BoxSize.Y / 2) if DoesObjectExist(Box) then if __UAnEv1__.Config.Boxes and __UAnEv1__.Config.BoxType == 1 then Box.Drawing.Color = __UAnEv1__.Config.BoxesColor or __UAnEv1__.Config.BaseColor Box.Drawing.Size = BoxSize Box.Drawing.Position = BoxPos end end if DoesObjectExist(HealthLineRed) then if __UAnEv1__.Config.HealthBars then -- HealthLineRed.Drawing.Color = __UAnEv1__.Config.HealthBarsColor or __UAnEv1__.Config.BaseColor if __UAnEv1__.Config.BoxType == 1 then HealthLineRed.Drawing.From = BoxPos + Vector2.new(BoxSize.X + HealthLineRed.Drawing.Thickness, HealthLineRed.Drawing.Thickness) HealthLineRed.Drawing.To = BoxPos + Vector2.new(BoxSize.X + HealthLineRed.Drawing.Thickness, BoxSize.Y - HealthLineRed.Drawing.Thickness) elseif __UAnEv1__.Config.BoxType == 2 then -- local HrpPos = HumanoidRootPart.Position -- HealthLineRed.Drawing.From = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, HrpPos + Vector3.new(0, 2, 0) + FlatY(HrpXV) + Vector3.new(.03, 0, 0))) -- HealthLineRed.Drawing.To = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, HrpPos - Vector3.new(0, 3.3, 0) + FlatY(HrpXV) + Vector3.new(.03, 0, 0))) local BoxSize = Vector2.new(Camera.ViewportSize.X / HrpPos.Z, (worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, Head.Position + Vector3.new(0, 2, 0))).Y - (worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, HumanoidRootPart.Position - Vector3.new(0, 1, 0))).Y) local BoxPos = Vector2.new(HrpPos.X - BoxSize.X / 2, HrpPos.Y - BoxSize.Y / 2) HealthLineRed.Drawing.From = BoxPos + Vector2.new(BoxSize.X + HealthLineRed.Drawing.Thickness, HealthLineRed.Drawing.Thickness) HealthLineRed.Drawing.To = BoxPos + Vector2.new(BoxSize.X + HealthLineRed.Drawing.Thickness, BoxSize.Y - HealthLineRed.Drawing.Thickness) end end end if DoesObjectExist(HealthLineGreen) then if __UAnEv1__.Config.HealthBars then -- HealthLineGreen.Drawing.Color = __UAnEv1__.Config.HealthBarsColor or __UAnEv1__.Config.BaseColor local DIV = Health / MaxHealth -- if __UAnEv1__.Config.BoxType == 1 then local Bottom = BoxSize.Y + HealthLineGreen.Drawing.Thickness local Top = BoxPos.Y + BoxSize.Y -- HealthLineGreen.Drawing.From = BoxPos + Vector2.new(BoxSize.X + HealthLineGreen.Drawing.Thickness, HealthLineGreen.Drawing.Thickness) -- HealthLineGreen.Drawing.To = BoxPos + Vector2.new(BoxSize.X + HealthLineGreen.Drawing.Thickness, BoxSize.Y * DIV - HealthLineGreen.Drawing.Thickness) -- elseif __UAnEv1__.Config.BoxType == 2 then -- local HrpPos = HumanoidRootPart.Position -- local To = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, HrpPos + Vector3.new(0, 2, 0) + FlatY(HrpXV) + Vector3.new(.03, 0, 0))) -- local From = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, HrpPos - Vector3.new(0, 3.3, 0) + FlatY(HrpXV) + Vector3.new(.03, 0, 0))) -- HealthLineGreen.Drawing.To = Vector2.new(To.X, To.Y / DIV) -- HealthLineGreen.Drawing.From = From -- end end end if DoesObjectExist(DistanceObject) then if __UAnEv1__.Config.Distance then DistanceObject.Drawing.Color = __UAnEv1__.Config.DistanceColor or __UAnEv1__.Config.BaseColor DistanceObject.Drawing.Position = HeadPos - Vector2.new(0, DistanceObject.Drawing.Size * 2) local LocalHrp = LocalHandle.GetPart('HumanoidRootPart') if LocalHrp then local Distance = (LocalHrp.Position - HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude DistanceObject.Drawing.Text = tostring(round(Distance, 2)) end end end if Skeleton then if __UAnEv1__.Config.Skeleton then for I,Object in next, Skeleton do if DoesObjectExist(Object) then Object.Drawing.Color = __UAnEv1__.Config.SkeletonColor or __UAnEv1__.Config.BaseColor end end local HeadToTorso = Skeleton.HeadToTorso local TorsoToLeftShoulder = Skeleton.TorsoToLeftShoulder local TorsoToRightShoulder = Skeleton.TorsoToRightShoulder local LeftShoulderToLeftUpperArm = Skeleton.LeftShoulderToLeftUpperArm local RightShoulderToRightUpperArm = Skeleton.RightShoulderToRightUpperArm local LeftShoulderToLeftArm = Skeleton.LeftShoulderToLeftArm local LeftShoulderToLeftLowerArm = Skeleton.LeftShoulderToLeftLowerArm local RightShoulderToRightLowerArm = Skeleton.RightShoulderToRightLowerArm local RightShoulderToRightArm = Skeleton.RightShoulderToRightArm local TorsoToLeftHip = Skeleton.TorsoToLeftHip local TorsoToRightHip = Skeleton.TorsoToRightHip local LeftHipToLeftUpperLeg = Skeleton.LeftHipToLeftUpperLeg local RightHipToRightUpperLeg = Skeleton.RightHipToRightUpperLeg local LeftHipToLeftLeg = Skeleton.LeftHipToLeftLeg local LeftHipToLeftLowerLeg = Skeleton.LeftHipToLeftLowerLeg local RightHipToRightLowerLeg = Skeleton.RightHipToRightLowerLeg local RightHipToRightLeg = Skeleton.RightHipToRightLeg if DoesObjectExist(HeadToTorso) then HeadToTorso.Drawing.From = HeadPos HeadToTorso.Drawing.To = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, HumanoidRootPart.Position - Vector3.new(0, 1, 0))) end if DoesObjectExist(TorsoToLeftShoulder) then if Humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6 then local Arm = Handle.GetPart('Left Arm') TorsoToLeftShoulder.Drawing.To = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, Arm.Position + Vector3.new(0, 1, 0))) else local Arm = Handle.GetPart('LeftUpperArm') TorsoToLeftShoulder.Drawing.To = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, Arm.Position + Vector3.new(0, .6, 0))) end TorsoToLeftShoulder.Drawing.From = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, Head.Position - Vector3.new(0, .5, 0))) end if DoesObjectExist(TorsoToRightShoulder) then if Humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6 then local Arm = Handle.GetPart('Right Arm') TorsoToRightShoulder.Drawing.To = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, Arm.Position + Vector3.new(0, 1, 0))) else local Arm = Handle.GetPart('RightUpperArm') TorsoToRightShoulder.Drawing.To = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, Arm.Position + Vector3.new(0, .6, 0))) end TorsoToRightShoulder.Drawing.From = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, Head.Position - Vector3.new(0, .5, 0))) end if DoesObjectExist(TorsoToLeftHip) then if Humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6 then local Leg = Handle.GetPart('Left Leg') TorsoToLeftHip.Drawing.To = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, Leg.Position + Vector3.new(0, 1, 0))) else local Leg = Handle.GetPart('LeftUpperLeg') TorsoToLeftHip.Drawing.To = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, Leg.Position + Vector3.new(0, .6, 0))) end TorsoToLeftHip.Drawing.From = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, HumanoidRootPart.Position - Vector3.new(0, 1, 0))) end if DoesObjectExist(TorsoToRightHip) then if Humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6 then local Leg = Handle.GetPart('Right Leg') TorsoToRightHip.Drawing.To = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, Leg.Position + Vector3.new(0, 1, 0))) else local Leg = Handle.GetPart('RightUpperLeg') TorsoToRightHip.Drawing.To = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, Leg.Position + Vector3.new(0, .6, 0))) end TorsoToRightHip.Drawing.From = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, HumanoidRootPart.Position - Vector3.new(0, 1, 0))) end if Humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6 then if DoesObjectExist(LeftShoulderToLeftArm) then local Arm = Handle.GetPart('Left Arm') LeftShoulderToLeftArm.Drawing.From = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, Arm.Position + Vector3.new(0, 1, 0))) LeftShoulderToLeftArm.Drawing.To = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, Arm.Position - Vector3.new(0, 1, 0))) end if DoesObjectExist(RightShoulderToRightArm) then local Arm = Handle.GetPart('Right Arm') RightShoulderToRightArm.Drawing.From = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, Arm.Position + Vector3.new(0, 1, 0))) RightShoulderToRightArm.Drawing.To = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, Arm.Position - Vector3.new(0, 1, 0))) end if DoesObjectExist(LeftHipToLeftLeg) then local Leg = Handle.GetPart('Left Leg') LeftHipToLeftLeg.Drawing.From = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, Leg.Position + Vector3.new(0, 1, 0))) LeftHipToLeftLeg.Drawing.To = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, Leg.Position - Vector3.new(0, 1, 0))) end if DoesObjectExist(RightHipToRightLeg) then local Leg = Handle.GetPart('Right Leg') RightHipToRightLeg.Drawing.From = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, Leg.Position + Vector3.new(0, 1, 0))) RightHipToRightLeg.Drawing.To = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, Leg.Position - Vector3.new(0, 1, 0))) end elseif Humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15 then if DoesObjectExist(LeftShoulderToLeftUpperArm) then local UpperArm, LowerArm = Handle.GetParts('LeftUpperArm', 'LeftLowerArm') LeftShoulderToLeftUpperArm.Drawing.From = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, UpperArm.Position + Vector3.new(0, .6, 0))) LeftShoulderToLeftUpperArm.Drawing.To = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, LowerArm.Position)) end if DoesObjectExist(LeftShoulderToLeftLowerArm) then local UpperArm, LowerArm = Handle.GetParts('LeftUpperArm', 'LeftLowerArm') LeftShoulderToLeftLowerArm.Drawing.From = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, LowerArm.Position)) LeftShoulderToLeftLowerArm.Drawing.To = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, LowerArm.Position - LowerArm.CFrame.YVector)) end if DoesObjectExist(RightShoulderToRightUpperArm) then local UpperArm, LowerArm = Handle.GetParts('RightUpperArm', 'RightLowerArm') RightShoulderToRightUpperArm.Drawing.From = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, UpperArm.Position + Vector3.new(0, .6, 0))) RightShoulderToRightUpperArm.Drawing.To = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, LowerArm.Position)) end if DoesObjectExist(RightShoulderToRightLowerArm) then local UpperArm, LowerArm = Handle.GetParts('RightUpperArm', 'RightLowerArm') RightShoulderToRightLowerArm.Drawing.From = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, LowerArm.Position)) -- RightShoulderToRightLowerArm.Drawing.To = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, LowerArm.Position - Vector3.new(0, .7, 0))) RightShoulderToRightLowerArm.Drawing.To = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, LowerArm.Position - LowerArm.CFrame.YVector)) end if DoesObjectExist(LeftHipToLeftUpperLeg) then local UpperLeg, LowerLeg = Handle.GetParts('LeftUpperLeg', 'LeftLowerLeg') LeftHipToLeftUpperLeg.Drawing.From = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, UpperLeg.Position + Vector3.new(0, .6, 0))) LeftHipToLeftUpperLeg.Drawing.To = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, LowerLeg.Position)) end if DoesObjectExist(LeftHipToLeftLowerLeg) then local UpperLeg, LowerLeg = Handle.GetParts('LeftUpperLeg', 'LeftLowerLeg') LeftHipToLeftLowerLeg.Drawing.From = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, LowerLeg.Position)) LeftHipToLeftLowerLeg.Drawing.To = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, LowerLeg.Position - LowerLeg.CFrame.YVector)) end if DoesObjectExist(RightHipToRightUpperLeg) then local UpperLeg, LowerLeg = Handle.GetParts('RightUpperLeg', 'RightLowerLeg') RightHipToRightUpperLeg.Drawing.From = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, UpperLeg.Position + Vector3.new(0, .6, 0))) RightHipToRightUpperLeg.Drawing.To = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, LowerLeg.Position)) end if DoesObjectExist(RightHipToRightLowerLeg) then local UpperLeg, LowerLeg = Handle.GetParts('RightUpperLeg', 'RightLowerLeg') RightHipToRightLowerLeg.Drawing.From = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, LowerLeg.Position)) RightHipToRightLowerLeg.Drawing.To = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, LowerLeg.Position - LowerLeg.CFrame.YVector)) end end end end if __UAnEv1__.Config.Boxes and __UAnEv1__.Config.BoxType == 2 or __UAnEv1__.Config.BoxType == 3 then for I, Object in next, Box2 do if DoesObjectExist(Object) then Object.Drawing.Color = __UAnEv1__.Config.BoxesColor or __UAnEv1__.Config.BaseColor end end local BL1 = Box2.BL1 local BL2 = Box2.BL2 local BL3 = Box2.BL3 local BL4 = Box2.BL4 local HrpPos = HumanoidRootPart.Position local Wide = (__UAnEv1__.Config.WideBox and HrpXV * 1.2) or Vector3.new(0, 0, 0) local TopLeft = nil local TopRight = nil local BottomLeft = nil local BottomRight = nil if __UAnEv1__.Config.BoxType == 2 then TopLeft = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, HrpPos + Vector3.new(0, 2, 0) - FlatY(HrpXV) - FlatY(Wide))) TopRight = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, HrpPos + Vector3.new(0, 2, 0) + FlatY(HrpXV) + FlatY(Wide))) BottomLeft = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, HrpPos - Vector3.new(0, 2, 0) - FlatY(HrpXV) - Vector3.new(0, 1.3, 0) - FlatY(Wide))) BottomRight = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, HrpPos - Vector3.new(0, 2, 0) + FlatY(HrpXV) - Vector3.new(0, 1.3, 0) + FlatY(Wide))) else local Leg = Handle.GetPart('Left Leg') or Handle.GetPart('LeftUpperLeg') local LegPos = Leg.Position local LegCFr = Leg.CFrame local LegYV = LegCFr.YVector TopLeft = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, HrpPos + JustY(HrpYV) - FlatY(HrpXV) - FlatY(Wide))) TopRight = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, HrpPos + JustY(HrpYV) + FlatY(HrpXV) + FlatY(Wide))) BottomLeft = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, HrpPos - JustY(HrpYV) - FlatY(HrpXV) - JustY(HrpYV) - FlatY(Wide) - FlatY(LegYV))) BottomRight = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, HrpPos - JustY(HrpYV) + FlatY(HrpXV) - JustY(HrpYV) - FlatY(Wide) - FlatY(LegYV))) end if DoesObjectExist(BL1) then BL1.Drawing.From = TopLeft BL1.Drawing.To = TopRight end if DoesObjectExist(BL2) then BL2.Drawing.From = BottomLeft BL2.Drawing.To = BottomRight end if DoesObjectExist(BL3) then BL3.Drawing.From = TopLeft BL3.Drawing.To = BottomLeft end if DoesObjectExist(BL4) then BL4.Drawing.From = TopRight BL4.Drawing.To = BottomRight end -- local TopLeft = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, HrpPos + JustZ(HumanoidRootPart.Size))) -- local TopRight = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, HrpPos)) -- if DoesObjectExist(BL1) then -- BL1.Drawing.From = TopLeft -- BL1.Drawing.To = TopRight -- end else for I, Object in next, Box2 do if DoesObjectExist(Object) then Object.Drawing.Visible = false end end end if DoesObjectExist(Box3) then if __UAnEv1__.Config.Boxes and __UAnEv1__.Config.BoxType == 4 then local TopLeft = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, HrpPos + Vector3.new(0, 2, 0) - FlatY(HrpXV))) local TopRight = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, HrpPos + Vector3.new(0, 2, 0) + FlatY(HrpXV))) local BottomLeft = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, HrpPos - Vector3.new(0, 2, 0) - FlatY(HrpXV) - Vector3.new(0, 1.3, 0))) local BottomRight = Vector3ToVector2(worldtoviewportpoint(Camera, HrpPos - Vector3.new(0, 2, 0) + FlatY(HrpXV) - Vector3.new(0, 1.3, 0))) Box3.Drawing.PointA = TopRight Box3.Drawing.PointB = TopLeft Box3.Drawing.PointC = BottomLeft Box3.Drawing.PointD = BottomRight end end end else for I,Object in next, EspObjects do if DoesObjectExist(Object) then Object.Drawing.Visible = false end end if Iterables then for I, Iterable in next, Iterables do for I, Object in next, Iterable do if DoesObjectExist(Object) then Object.Drawing.Visible = false end end end end end else for I,Object in next, EspObjects do if DoesObjectExist(Object) then Object.Drawing.Visible = false end end if Iterables then for I, Iterable in next, Iterables do for I, Object in next, Iterable do if DoesObjectExist(Object) then Object.Drawing.Visible = false end end end end end end) end end end end)) function __UAnEv1__.STOP() for Player, Handle in next, Players do PlayerRemoved(Player, Handle) end for I, Connection in next, __UAnEv1__.Connections do Connection:Disconnect() end if __UAnEv1__.Gui then __UAnEv1__.Gui:Destroy() __UAnEv1__.Gui = nil end PlayersHandler:Stop() __UAnEv1__.Active = false if shared.__UAnEv1__ and shared.__UAnEv1__ == __UAnEv1__ then shared.__UAnEv1__ = nil end __UAnEv1__ = nil end do -- TechHub V3 UI Library -- local Library = httpassert('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TechHog8984/TechHub-V3/main/ui/UILibV3.lua', 'Failed to get UI library.') -- local Gui = Library:CreateGui('UAnEv1 GUI', 'Universal Aimbot N Esp', 'V1 - Made By TechHog#8984') -- Gui:GetCloseEvent():Connect(__UAnEv1__.STOP) -- local GeneralSection = Gui:CreateSection('General') -- local ToggleTeamCheckButton = nil -- ToggleTeamCheckButton = GeneralSection:TextButton('Toggle TeamCheck', function() -- __UAnEv1__.Config.TeamCheck = not __UAnEv1__.Config.TeamCheck -- ToggleTeamCheckButton.text.Text = ('Toggle TeamCheck (%s)'):format(tostring(__UAnEv1__.Config.TeamCheck)) -- end) -- ToggleTeamCheckButton.text.Text = ('Toggle TeamCheck (%s)'):format(tostring(__UAnEv1__.Config.TeamCheck)) -- local AimbotSection = Gui:CreateSection('Aimbot') -- local ToggleAimbotButton = nil -- ToggleAimbotButton = AimbotSection:TextButton('Toggle Aimbot', function() -- __UAnEv1__.Config.Aimbot = not __UAnEv1__.Config.Aimbot -- ToggleAimbotButton.text.Text = ('Toggle Aimbot (%s)'):format(tostring(__UAnEv1__.Config.Aimbot)) -- end) -- ToggleAimbotButton.text.Text = ('Toggle Aimbot (%s)'):format(tostring(__UAnEv1__.Config.Aimbot or false)) -- local EspSection = Gui:CreateSection('Esp') -- local NamesToggleButton = nil -- local DistanceToggleButton = nil -- local BoxesToggleButton = nil -- local TracersToggleButton = nil -- local HealthBarsToggleButton = nil -- local SkeletonToggleButton = nil -- NamesToggleButton = EspSection:TextButton('Toggle Names', function() -- __UAnEv1__.Config.Names = not __UAnEv1__.Config.Names -- NamesToggleButton.text.Text = ('Toggle Names (%s)'):format(tostring(__UAnEv1__.Config.Names)) -- end) -- NamesToggleButton.text.Text = ('Toggle Names (%s)'):format(tostring(__UAnEv1__.Config.Names or false)) -- DistanceToggleButton = EspSection:TextButton('Toggle Distance', function() -- __UAnEv1__.Config.Distance = not __UAnEv1__.Config.Distance -- DistanceToggleButton.text.Text = ('Toggle Distance (%s)'):format(tostring(__UAnEv1__.Config.Distance)) -- end) -- DistanceToggleButton.text.Text = ('Toggle Distance (%s)'):format(tostring(__UAnEv1__.Config.Distance or false)) -- BoxesToggleButton = EspSection:TextButton('Toggle Boxes', function() -- __UAnEv1__.Config.Boxes = not __UAnEv1__.Config.Boxes -- BoxesToggleButton.text.Text = ('Toggle Boxes (%s)'):format(tostring(__UAnEv1__.Config.Boxes)) -- end) -- BoxesToggleButton.text.Text = ('Toggle Boxes (%s)'):format(tostring(__UAnEv1__.Config.Boxes or false)) -- TracersToggleButton = EspSection:TextButton('Toggle Tracers', function() -- __UAnEv1__.Config.Tracers = not __UAnEv1__.Config.Tracers -- TracersToggleButton.text.Text = ('Toggle Tracers (%s)'):format(tostring(__UAnEv1__.Config.Tracers)) -- end) -- TracersToggleButton.text.Text = ('Toggle Tracers (%s)'):format(tostring(__UAnEv1__.Config.Tracers or false)) -- HealthBarsToggleButton = EspSection:TextButton('Toggle HealthBars', function() -- __UAnEv1__.Config.HealthBars = not __UAnEv1__.Config.HealthBars -- HealthBarsToggleButton.text.Text = ('Toggle HealthBars (%s)'):format(tostring(__UAnEv1__.Config.HealthBars)) -- end) -- HealthBarsToggleButton.text.Text = ('Toggle HealthBars (%s)'):format(tostring(__UAnEv1__.Config.HealthBars or false)) -- SkeletonToggleButton = EspSection:TextButton('Toggle Skeleton', function() -- __UAnEv1__.Config.Skeleton = not __UAnEv1__.Config.Skeleton -- SkeletonToggleButton.text.Text = ('Toggle Skeleton (%s)'):format(tostring(__UAnEv1__.Config.Skeleton)) -- end) -- SkeletonToggleButton.text.Text = ('Toggle Skeleton (%s)'):format(tostring(__UAnEv1__.Config.Skeleton or false)) end do --Elysium UI Library end __UAnEv1__.Gui = Gui shared.__UAnEv1__ = __UAnEv1__