script : loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() script 2: --[[ Settings ]] local DefaultReachLimit = 33 local IncreasedReachDistance = 100 local PowerTable = { ["BombMissile"] = 1200, ["Others"] = 600, ["Players"] = 1600, } --[[ Variables ]] local PS = game:GetService("Players") local Player = PS.LocalPlayer local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait() local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local CE = RS:WaitForChild("CharacterEvents") local BeingHeld = Player:WaitForChild("IsHeld") local PlayerScripts = Player:WaitForChild("PlayerScripts") --[[ Remotes ]] local StruggleEvent = CE:WaitForChild("Struggle") --[[ Anti-Explosion ]] workspace.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(v) if v:IsA("Explosion") then v.BlastPressure = 0 end end) --[[ Anti-grab ]] local RS = game:GetService("RunService") BeingHeld.Changed:Connect(function(C) if C == true then if BeingHeld.Value == true then local Event; Event = RS.RenderStepped:Connect(function() if BeingHeld.Value == true then StruggleEvent:FireServer(Player) elseif BeingHeld.Value == false then Event:Disconnect() end end) end end end) local Counter = 0 function DoubleCounter(Passed) if Passed == "Add" then Counter = Counter + 1 elseif Passed == "Check" then return Counter elseif Passed == "Reset" then Counter = 0 end end function Reconnect() --[[ Local variables ]] local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait() local Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid") or Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") local HumanoidRootPart = Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") local GS = Character:WaitForChild("GrabbingScript") HumanoidRootPart:WaitForChild("FirePlayerPart"):Remove() local Held = Player:WaitForChild("IsHeld") local Connections = getconnections(Held.Changed) for i,v in pairs (Connections) do if v.Function then local Script = getfenv(v.Function).script if Script == Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidStateTypeByGettingFlung") then v:Disable() end end end Humanoid.Changed:Connect(function(C) if C == "Sit" and Humanoid.Sit == true then if Humanoid.SeatPart ~= nil and tostring(Humanoid.SeatPart.Parent) == "CreatureBlobman" then elseif Humanoid.SeatPart == nil then Humanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping, true) Humanoid.Sit = false end end end) repeat wait() for Num,Func in pairs(debug.getregistry()) do if type(Func) == "function" and not is_synapse_function(Func) and islclosure(Func) then local Values = debug.getupvalues(Func) local Constants = getconstants(Func) for a,b in pairs(Values) do --[[ Reach ]] if type(b) == "number" and b == 20 then debug.setupvalue(Func, a, DefaultReachLimit) DoubleCounter("Add") end end if table.find(Constants, "make") and debug.getinfo(Func).name == "grab" then for a,b in pairs (Constants) do --[[ Makes it so even when you die you can still fling others ]] if b == "Health" then setconstant(Func, a, "JumpPower") DoubleCounter("Add") end end end end end until DoubleCounter("Check") == 2 DoubleCounter("Reset") end Player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function() Reconnect() end) Reconnect() function ChangeThrow(Number) --[[ Variables ]] Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait() local GS = Character:WaitForChild("GrabbingScript") for i,v in pairs(getreg()) do if type(v) == "function" then local Script = getfenv(v).script if Script == GS and tostring(debug.getinfo(v).name) == "throw" then local Debug = debug.getconstants(v) for cn,cv in pairs (Debug) do if cn == 22 then debug.setconstant(v, cn, Number) end if cn == 24 then debug.setconstant(v, cn, Number) end end end end end end function InstanceCheck(Instance) local NotInPlayer = false for _,v in pairs (PS:GetPlayers()) do if v.Character then if v.Character:FindFirstChild(Instance.Name) then NotInPlayer = true break end end end return NotInPlayer end function Reach(Number) for Num,Func in pairs(getreg()) do if type(Func) == "function" and islclosure(Func) and not is_synapse_function(Func) then local Constants = getconstants(Func) local Values = getupvalues(Func) if table.find(Constants, "make") and debug.getinfo(Func).name == "grab" then for c,d in pairs (Values) do if c == 17 then setupvalue(Func,c, Number) end end break end end end end local OldNameCall; OldNameCall = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(...) local NameCallMethod = getnamecallmethod() local Args = {...} local Self = Args[1] if not checkcaller() and NameCallMethod == "FireServer" and tostring(Self.Name) == "Beam" then if tostring(Args[2]) == "make" then Reach(IncreasedReachDistance) local Instance = Args[3] if InstanceCheck(Instance) == false then if PowerTable[Instance.Parent.Name] then local Power = PowerTable[Instance.Parent.Name] ChangeThrow(Power) elseif PowerTable[Instance.Parent.Name] == nil then local OtherPower = PowerTable["Others"] ChangeThrow(OtherPower) end end if InstanceCheck(Instance) == true then local PlayerPower = PowerTable["Players"] ChangeThrow(PlayerPower) end return; elseif tostring(Args[2]) == "destroy" then Reach(DefaultReachLimit) end return OldNameCall(...) end return OldNameCall(...) end)